Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Pediatric Dentist in Denver: Providing Early Dental Health Care

Raising a baby is a source of happiness for many moms, but it certainly isn't easy for first-timers. With so many things to do besides frequent diaper changing, a baby's dental health may be all too easy to overlook. This is true even after the baby's teeth start to become visible, which should be the cue for parents to make that first dental visit. Unfortunately, a number of parents in the US, even in major urban centers such as Denver, the capital and largest city of Colorado (CO), do not know when they should schedule their kids' first dental appointment. The right time to make that first visit to a pediatric dentist in Denver or wherever you reside is always during the eruption of the first tooth, between the ages of 3 and 9 months. In fact, it should not be later than the age of one, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) based on an article by Pat Etheridge on

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